God loves a cheerful giver, for it is through generosity that we mirror the heart of GOD.


Become a GoodNews World TV Networks Partner Today: Unlocking the Rewards of Kingdom Partnership

The Power of Partnership

Partnership is a sacred and powerful concept in the Kingdom of God. As Prophet Uebert Angel eloquently states, “Partnership is much more than being on a mailing list.” It is a bridge that connects individuals, businesses, and ministries to the very work and grace of the ministry itself. This partnership rests upon two fundamental pillars – prayer and finances – which are designed to benefit both the partner and the ministry in equal measure.

When you become a partner with the GoodNews World TV Networks, you are not simply adding your name to a list. You are exercising the full measure of your faith toward the work of the ministry, opening the door to a wealth of rewards and blessings. As the Scripture says, “for as is the share of him who goes into the battle so shall his share be who stays by the baggage” (1 Samuel 30:4, Amplified). Both the one who preaches and the one who supports the preacher are equally sacred in the eyes of God, and the rewards will be the same for both.

The Pillars of Partnership: Prayer and Finances

The two pillars of partnership – prayer and finances – are designed to create a mutually beneficial relationship between the partner and the ministry. On the prayer side, when you become a partner with the GoodNews World TV Networks, you can rest assured that Prophet Uebert Angel, Prophetess BeBe Angel, and the entire GoodNews World staff will be praying for you every single day. Your prayers for the ministry and its leaders are a vital part of the partnership, and the ministry’s commitment to pray for you in return is a powerful exchange of spiritual support.

On the financial side, when you sow your seed as a partner, you are exercising the full measure of your faith toward the work of the ministry. This opens the door to a wealth of rewards, including the grace for healing, prosperity, financial increase, and victorious faith. As Prophet Uebert Angel declares, “your seed develops a voice that is more eloquent than your cries,” and may you become a “magnet for resources” and an “accumulator of money with a mission to finance the gospel and win nations in a day.”

The Rewards of Partnership

The rewards of partnership with the GoodNews World are truly remarkable. As the Scripture says, “not because we desire a gift, but rather fruit may abound to your account” (Philippians 4:17). When you become a partner, you are not just giving a gift – you are sowing a seed that will bear abundant fruit in your life.

Some of the key rewards of partnership include:

– The Grace for Healing: As a partner, you can expect to receive the grace for healing in your life, as the ministry stands in faith for your complete restoration and wholeness.

– The Grace for Prosperity and Financial Increase: Through your partnership, you will unlock the grace for prosperity and financial increase, becoming a “magnet for resources” and an “accumulator of money with a mission to finance the gospel and win nations in a day.”

– The Grace for Victorious Faith: Your partnership will empower you with the grace for victorious faith, enabling you to overcome every challenge and walk in the fullness of God’s promises for your life.

– The Commitment of Daily Prayer: As a partner, you can rest assured that Prophet Uebert Angel, Prophetess BeBe Angel, and the entire GoodNews World staff will be praying for you every single day, covering you in spiritual support and intercession.

Becoming a Kingdom Financier

Prophet Uebert Angel's Decree to Partners

Becoming a Kingdom Financier

One of the most powerful declarations made by Prophet Uebert Angel when it comes to partnership is the decree and declaration over the partners, calling them to become “Kingdom financiers” and “Millionaires and billionaires” who will use their resources to finance the gospel and win nations in a day.

This is a profound and prophetic call to the partners of the GoodNews World. As Kingdom financiers, you are not just called to give – you are called to become a powerful force for the advancement of God’s Kingdom on earth. Your financial seed will develop a “voice that is more eloquent than your cries,” and you will become a magnet for resources, accumulating wealth with a divine mission to fund the work of the ministry and see nations transformed for the glory of God.

This is a high and holy calling, but it is one that the GoodNews World is standing in faith to see manifested in the lives of its partners. As you sow your seed and become a partner with TV Networks, you are not just giving – you are positioning yourself to become a Kingdom financier, a conduit of God’s resources, and a catalyst for the transformation of nations.

The Call to Partnership

The call to partnership with the GoodNews World TV Networks is a call to something greater than just being on a mailing list. It is a call to become a vital part of the work of the ministry, to stand in the gap through prayer and financial support, and to unlock the rewards and blessings that come with this sacred covenant relationship.

As Prophet Uebert Angel so powerfully declares, “become a partner with the GoodNews World.” Prayerfully consider this invitation, and allow the Holy Spirit to guide you in your decision. When you say “yes” to this call, you are not just making a commitment – you are stepping into a new realm of Kingdom partnership, where the rewards and blessings are truly limitless.

So, what are you waiting for? Choose an amount below today and become a partner, unlocking the fullness of God’s grace and provision for your life and the lives of those around you. The time is now to become a Kingdom financier, a magnet for resources, and a catalyst for the transformation of nations. Join the GoodNews World TV Networks family and be a part of something greater than yourself.