Our Founders

GoodNews World TV Networks

Is the heart of the entire GoodNews World Ministry founded by our Commander in Chief (CIC) H.E Ambassador Prophet Uebert together with his wife Madam President Prophetess BeBe Angel with a mandate to spread the GoodNews revelation to corners of the earth. 


Prophet Uebert Angel and Prophetess BeBe Angel are globally recognised conference speakers and esteemed leaders known for their visionary approach, innovative ideas, and extraordinary callings in the Prophetic. As the founders of Spirit Embassy The GoodNews Church, with a network of over 600 branches worldwide and 3.2 million registered church members, they have positively impacted countless lives by sharing the transformative message of God’s grace. Prophet Uebert Angel, often referred to as the pioneer of the modern day Prophetic movement, oversees the expanding reach of Spirit Embassy globally.

Through their satellite-broadcasting channels, Miracle TV, GoodNews TV, Fiji TV, Sky TV UK, YouTube and Guyana TV, which broadcast his remarkable healing, prophetic and revelatory teaching ministry 24 hours, 7 days a week around the globe. He is a prolific author of bestselling books such as “How to Hear the Voice of God” and “Defeating The Demon of Poverty,” as well as the co-author of the daily devotional “The GoodNews Daily” with his wife, BeBe Angel. With a ministry marked by miracles, signs, wonders, and accurate prophecies, Prophet Uebert Angel has been instrumental in bringing many to knowledge of Christ through TV Networks.

Spreading the GoodNews EUANGELION to nations through TV Networks.


Additionally, Prophet Uebert Angel is recognised as a featured entrepreneur in Forbes and serves as Zimbabwe’s first Presidential Envoy and Ambassador-At-Large, overseeing diplomatic relations with over 85 countries in Europe and the Americas. Educated in the United Kingdom, he holds a master’s degree in Entrepreneurship from Edinburgh University (Napier), a degree in Business and Finance from Salford University, and pursued post-graduate studies in Education at Bolton University. Together with Prophetess BeBe Angel, they have also built the largest conference centre in Zimbabwe named The Harare Hippodrome.